Perl nonblocking socket
I want to use nonblocking socket connection, but can't find any examples for understand th main idea. I need client what will not block program execution when it will connect to server. Now I have the following code:
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use strict;
my $host="";
my $SELECT = new IO::Select;
print "Connecting...";
my $sock=new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 3128,
Proto => 'tcp',
Blocking => 0);
print "Could not create socket: $!n";
#print "ok\n";
my $buf;
while (1){
if($sock and $sock->connected())
print "ok\n";
while (my @ready=$SELECT->can_read(0.5))
foreach my $child (@ready)
if(!sysread($child, $buf, 256))
sleep 1;
When socket connects $sock->connected() return true and I can do something. But how can check socket for timeout? If it can't connect and closed by timeout I can't check that! How can I do it?
Added: Oh, I see! Piece of code
if(!sysread($child, $buf, 256))
closes socket when timeout is expired!
In the context of sockets, "blocking" has to do with reading/writing operations on the socket, not connecting. You are interested in setting a timeout on the socket connection, which you can usually do with a
Timeout => $max_seconds_to_wait
parameter in the IO::Socket