
MultiLenguage XML for php integration

i have a web site, in where i want to show some strings that may change according to the user lenguage and other parameters. I was thinking in a xml file like:

<userop1>This is the option 1<userop2>
<userop1>Esta es la opcion 1<userop1>

Then, using php something like: echo("You select: ".$userop1);

I really dont know if this is the most inteligent way to strutture the xml, so im asking for suggestiona (please with an example reading script). Thanks for any help!

Why are you using XML, this is an OVER HEAD in performance.

you should use Constants or Arrays.

$lang['en']['title'] = "title";

or separate files for each constants set/language
file: tranlate.en.php

defile('TITLE' , 'title');

since PHP is stateless, every page hit in your app will cause the system to parse this string.
no need for that

I think you shouldn't have all languages in a single xml file - it may get too big, will be harder to maintain, and so. Instead, make a xml for each language.





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