Delphi: paint column of list view
I draw a list view with OwnerDraw
. I need to paint the first column. But I cannot understand how.
I tried:
procedure TFrame6.DownloadListCustomDraw(Sender: TCustomListView;
const ARect: TRect; var DefaultDraw: Boolean);
R: TRect;
DefaultDraw := False;
Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color := $F7F7F7;
Sender.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
开发者_运维百科 R := ARect;
R.Right := ListView_GetColumnWidth(DownloadList.Handle, DownloadList.Columns[0].Index);
DefaultDraw := True;
But I draw over items. How to draw correctly, items and a background?
Summary from comments:
I suggest you to read this delphiDabbler article and hope that it contains enough information to resolve your problem. E.g. Example 1 shows how to change background and Example 4 shows point where item appearance can be changed.
Small tip: don't restore DefaultDraw to True at the end of the handler if you don't want text to be drawn.
I suggest you use VirtualStringTree if you want a lot of customization on the list. Its easy to use and almost anything is possible and most of all freeware. The component can be downloaded at Soft-Gems and few example can be found here