Sending multiple parameter values from a JSP to a servlet
The answer to my question is partially here but, not working for me Sending multiple parameters to servlets from either JSP or HTML
My JSP is the following
<table cellpadding = "10" border = "1">
<tr valign = "bottom">
<th align = "left" > Catalog No </th>
<th align = "left" > Chemical Name </th>
<th align = "left" > Unit </th>
<th align = "left" > Price </th>
<th align = "left" > Vendor </th>
<th align = "left" > Category </th>
<th align = "left" > Account No</th>
ArrayList<CartProduct> cp3 = (ArrayList<CartProduct>) session.getAttribute("cp");
for(CartProduct pp: cp3)
<td><select name = "accno"><option value="--Select--">--Select--</option>
<%ArrayList<String> str=pp.getAccList();
for(String s:str)
%> <option value="<%=s%>"><%=s%></option>
<a href="DisplayCartServlet?catNo=<%=pp.getCatNo()%>&;accountNo=accno">Add To Cart
How do I send the value of the list box to the servlet? Currently only catNo is being passed, but accountNo is null at the servlet.
The easiest way to accomplish what you are attempting is to post using a form.
<form method="post" action="DisplayCartServlet">
<input type="hidden" name="catNo" value="<%=pp.getCatNo()%>">
<select name = "accno"><option value="--Select--">--Select--</option>
<%ArrayList<String> str=pp.getAccList();
for(String s:str)
%> <option value="<%=s%>"><%=s%></option>
<input type="submit" value="Add To Cart">
it should be accno
, it seems you are trying to retrieve param by accountNo
Also See
- how-to-avoid-java-code-in-jsp-files