Rails validation of image simple_form
I have that problem that my simple_form require both image file upload field and image url input.
How do I validate so that it is either the image fileupload field or the image url that should be requried not the both.
My View in another controller:
<%= f.simple_fields_for :photo_attributes do |d| %>
<%= d.label :image, :label => 'Upload logo' %>
<%= d.file_field :image, :label => 'Image' %>
<%= d.input :image_url, :label => 'Billed URL' %>
<% end %>
My photo model:
require 'open-uri'
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :virksomhed
attr_accessor :image_url
has_attached_file :image,
:url => "/public/images/billeder/photo/:id/开发者_运维技巧:basename.:extension",
:path => ":rails_root/public/images/:id/:basename.:extension"
before_validation :download_remote_image, :if => :image_url_provided?
validates_presence_of :image_remote_url, :if => :image_url_provided?, :message => 'is invalid or inaccessible'
def image_url_provided?
def download_remote_image
self.image = do_download_remote_image
self.image_remote_url = image_url
def do_download_remote_image
io = open(URI.parse(image_url))
def io.original_filename; base_uri.path.split('/').last; end
io.original_filename.blank? ? nil : io
rescue # catch url errors with validations instead of exceptions (Errno::ENOENT, OpenURI::HTTPError, etc...)
The correct form is: :with => %r{.(png|jpg|jpeg)$}i,
Otherwhise it will allow file.git.something
If you're talking about marking fields required in the view, SimpleForm marks each field as required (*) by default. It says so in the readme, complete with an example on how to override this (required => false).
In your model, I would do something like:
validate_presence_of :file_field, :unless => :image_url_provided?
validates :image_url, allow_blank: true, format: {
with: %r{\.gif|jpg|png}i,
message: 'must be a url for gif, jpg, or png image.'