Convert code to PHP & mysql [closed]
i was looking out for something to convert my code to php & mysql.
I used a website that claimed to be able to convert but it seems to be not so great when it comes to performance.
I don't know how easy or tough it is to do the conversion as I don't have knowledge of either but I learnt a bit of PHP through w3schools and got an example to refer from a php document to do some of my conversion from .net to php.
The thing is that there is a certain bit of code where I'm unable to think where to proceed from there.
if anyone can help me with this? The correct reply could be useful to anybody else referring for a conversion from to php and mysql. There is no other post that I found for my question on stack overflow.
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function saveBeerPot(ByVal Potdata As XmlElement) As String
Dim PotXml As New XmlDocument
Dim m_nodelist As XmlNodeList
m_nodelist = PotXml.SelectNodes("/DocumentElement/Table")
Dim status As String = "no data"
Dim _connectionString As String
Dim strSQL As String
_connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("AESSYSTEM_DB").ConnectionString
Dim sqldb As New SqlDatabase(_connectionString)
Dim XmlNode = PotXml.FirstChild
Dim xmlNodeT = XmlNode.FirstChild
m_nodelist = xmlNodeT.ChildNodes
If m_nodelist.Count > 0 Then
Dim _pot_id = m_nodelist.Item(0).InnerText
Dim _pot_name = m_nodelist.Item(1).InnerText
Dim _owner_user_id = m_nodelist.Item(2).InnerText
Dim _language_id = m_nodelist.Item(3).InnerText
Dim _currency_id = m_nodelist.Item(4).InnerText
Dim _skin_id = m_nodelist.Item(5).InnerText
Dim _minimum_check = m_nodelist.Item(6).InnerText
Dim _minimum_amount = m_nodelist.Item(7).InnerText.Replace(",", ".")
Dim _pot_fund = m_nodelist.Item(8).InnerText.Replace(",", ".")
Dim _password = m_nodelist.Item(9).InnerText
status += _password
If _minimum_amount.Length = 0 Then
_minimum_amount = "0"
End If
If _pot_id.Length = 0 Then
Dim _pot_guid = generateGuid()
strSQL = "INSERT INTO POT (pot_name, owner_user_id, language_id, currency_id, skin_id, minimum_check, minimum_amount, pot_fund,pot_guid,password,checkout,lastcheckout,autoupdate,created_date,nextautoupdatedate)"
strSQL += " values('" + _pot_name + "', '" +
_owner_user_id + "', '" + _language_id + "', '" + _currency_id + "', '" + _skin_id + "', '" + _minimum_check + "', '" + _minimum_amount + "', '" + _pot_fund + "', '" + _pot_guid + "', '" + _password + "','0','0','8','" + System.DateTime.Today.ToString + "','" + System.DateTime.Today.ToString + "')"
_pot_id = sqldb.ExecuteScalar(strSQL, CommandType.Text).ToString()
strSQL = "INSERT INTO PotUsers (pot_id,user_id,current_amount)"
strSQL += "values('" + _pot_id + "','" +
_owner_user_id + "', '0')"
strSQL = "UPDATE POT SET pot_name = '" + _pot_name
+ "', language_id = '" + _language_id + "', currency_id = '" +
_currency_id + "', skin_id = '" + _skin_id + "', minimum_check = '" +
_minimum_check + "', minimum_amount = '" + _minimum_amount + "'"
strSQL += " WHERE pot_id = '" + _pot_id + "'"
status += strSQL
End If
sqldb.ExecuteNonQuery(strSQL, CommandType.Text)
status = "inserted"
End If
Return status
Catch ex As Exception
status += ex.Message
Return status
End Try
End Function
You won't find a perfect conversion tool from .NET to PHP, it will most probably require some effort on your behalf...
I think you just need to look at this in separate chunks and break the code down. If you use MSDN and search for things like WebMethod and the other types and methods you are unsure about you should be able to piece it together in PHP in not too much time.