How to improve and run a custom validation method?
I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.9 and Paperclip 2.3. Since the Paperclip gem offers only two validation methods (validates_attachment_presence
and validates_attachment_content_type
) I开发者_JS百科 am trying to implement my custom validation methods.
In my model file I have just the following validation method
def validates_avatar(attribute_name, file)
if file.nil? # file value is nil if no file is uploaded
self.errors.add( "#{attribute_name}", "You must select a file" )
self.errors.add( "#{attribute_name}", "Avatar is an invalid image format") unless MIME_TYPES.include?(file.content_type)
self.errors.add( "#{attribute_name}", "Avatar is too big" if ( ( file.size > AVATAR_FILE_MAX_SIZE.to_i ) || ( file.size == nil ) )
return self.errors.empty?
that I call from my controllers in this way:
if @user.validates_avatar(:avatar, params[:user][:avatar])
I would like to make the above validation to run\to trigger the same way of all others Ruby on Rails validation methods (eg: as-like validates :title, :presence => true
How can I do that and how can I improve the above code in order to handle avatar validations?
It is already included in Paperclip
and it do just the same job. so why do you want to repet it?
class Avatar < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :file
validates_attachment_presence :file
validates_attachment_size :file, :less_than => 5.megabytes
validates_attachment_content_type :file, :content_type => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']
and never validate in Controller - it is Model job. Just
@user =[:user])
It won't save @user
if @user.avatar
won't pass validation
You should really move validations to a model. Here is an example:
validate :avatar_should_be_valid
def :avatar_should_be_valid
errors.add(:base, "avatar is invalid!") if...