How do you specify filenames within a zip when creating it on the command line from a pipe?
I'm trying to create a zip file from file contents which are being piped in, e.g.
mysql [params and query] | zip -q ou开发者_Go百科 -
This writes the zip correctly, but when you open the zip, the file within it is called "-". Is there any way of specifying what the filename of the piped in data should be within the zip?
You can do this.
ls | zip -@
this is done from the notion that i have 3 files in the dir.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xxx domain users 6 Jan 7 11:41 test1.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xxx domain users 6 Jan 7 11:41 test2.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xxx domain users 6 Jan 7 11:41 test3.txt
and the file itself, the result is then
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
6 01-07-10 11:41 test1.txt
6 01-07-10 11:41 test2.txt
6 01-07-10 11:41 test3.txt
-------- -------
18 3 files
From the Linux Zip Man page
If the file list is specified as -@, zip takes the list of input files from standard input.
You can use a named pipe, and send the request output to it, while zipping from it.
mkfifo output.txt ; mysql [params and query] > output.txt & zip -FI output.txt ; rm output.txt
I couldn't manage with the PHP answer (out of memory on bigger mysql dumps), and the FIFO was not working as I wanted, so my solution is to rename the file inside the ZIP archive after running the dump, using zipnote (which is included with the zip package on Debian).
mysql [params and query] | zip -q -
echo -e "@ -\n@=newname.sql" | zipnote -w
From what i can gather you cannot do both with the zip
command, i mean you cannot both specify the filenames and pipe the content. You can either pipe the contents and the resulting file is -
or you can pipe the filenames with -@
That does not mean that doing so is impossible using other techniques. I outline one of those below. It does mean that you have to have PHP installed and the zip extension loaded.
There could be a whole bunch of other ways to do it. But this is the easiest that I know of. Oh and it's a one-liner too.
This is a working example using PHP
echo contents | php -r '$z = new ZipArchive();$z->open($argv[1],ZipArchive::CREATE);$z->addFromString($argv[2],file_get_contents("php://stdin"));$z->close();' testfile
To run on windows just swap single and double quotes. Or just place the script in a file.
"" is the resulting Zip file, "testfile" is the name of the contents that are being piped into the command.
Result from unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
6 01-07-2010 12:56 testfile
--------- -------
6 1 file
And here is a working example using python
echo contents | python -c "import sys
import zipfile
z = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1],'w')
" testfile2
Result of unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
9 01-07-10 13:43 testfile2
-------- -------
9 1 file
Result of unzip -p
mysql [params and query] | python3 -c "import sys as s,os,zipfile as m;z=m.ZipFile(os.fdopen(s.stdout.fileno(),'wb'),'w');z.writestr(s.argv[1],;z.close()" 'filename.sql' >
Python 3.5 added support for writing to unseekable streams.
It's not pretty but works.
Just stick with the -
as filename, as zip --help
The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which can include the special name - to compress standard input.
but rename it after. You can use 7zip rn for this purpose or any other compression tool.
Here an example reading from curl a plain text, compressing it with best compression and then renaming the minus file after archive is ready.
curl -q '' | zip -9 -
7z rn -- - moondisaster.txt
Why double --? To pass - as filename instead of command option.
Result is a zip named with a single moondisaster.txt file inside.
You can try:
mysql [params and query] | zip -q -@