
VBA - Evaluate all Statements when more than 1 can be true

I want to evaluate a list of statements for a Cell (e.g. has top border, has bottom border etc.) and pass the findings to a collection object. However If/elseif will stop evaluating when it finds the first true statement, same holds for Select Case.

Is there any other way that I can use to do this?

Dim BorderColl As Collection
Set BorderColl = New Collection 

If RngCell.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle <> xlNone Then

  BorderColl.Add "xlDiagonalDown", LCase("xlDiagonalDo开发者_如何学Gown")

ElseIf RngCell.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle <> xlNone Then

  BorderColl.Add "xlDiagonalUp", LCase("xlDiagonalUp")

ElseIf RngCell.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then

  BorderColl.Add "xlEdgeBottom", LCase("xlEdgeBottom")

ElseIf RngCell.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle <> xlNone Then

  BorderColl.Add "xlEdgeLeft", LCase("xlEdgeLeft")

ElseIf RngCell.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle <> xlNone Then

  BorderColl.Add "xlEdgeRight", LCase("xlEdgeRight")

ElseIf RngCell.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle <> xlNone Then

  BorderColl.Add "xlEdgeTop", LCase("xlEdgeTop")

End If

Cant you just use

Dim BorderColl As Collection
Set BorderColl = New Collection 

If RngCell.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
    BorderColl.Add "xlDiagonalDown", LCase("xlDiagonalDown")
End If
If RngCell.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
    BorderColl.Add "xlDiagonalUp", LCase("xlDiagonalUp")
End If


Simply change the elseif to if. You will have N if/endif blocks (where N is the number of properties you are evaluating). Then when one is successful it will just move on to the next one.

if someproperty then: do something
if someOtherProperty then: do something else

etc etc

I would suggest you use a series of If-Then statements, one for each thing you want to check.

Does this help you?

Dim rngcell As Range, lBorder As Long, sStyles As Variant


    Set rngcell = Range("A1")
    For lBorder = 5 To 12
        If rngcell.Borders(lBorder).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
            Debug.Print lBorder, sStyles(lBorder - 1)
        End If




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