
SQL Server 2005 Timeout Expired Error

The following function is used to que开发者_运维技巧ry the records that are "Send To Computer" and records that are not "Gazetted" .

When this query is run the following error occurs:

"Time expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server not responding"

How can I solve this error?

My Code and data are:

LandParcels Table.

Blockid ParcelNo Actions

51024401 10 Send to Computer

51024401 11 Send to Computer

51024401 10 Gazetted

51024401 13 Send to Computer

51024401 14 Send to Computer

51024401 15 Send to Computer

51024401 15 Gazetted`

Result should be:

LandParcels Table.

Blockid ParcelNo Actions

51024401 11 Send to Computer

51024401 13 Send to Computer

51024401 14 Send to Computer

Public Function loadLPforGazette(ByVal blockID As Integer) As DataSet

    Dim sql As String

    sql = "select a.blockid, a.parcelno, a.schedulefileno from landparcels a "
    sql = sql + "join actions b on(a.blockid = b.blockid and a.parcelno = b.parcelno) "
    sql = sql + "where b.blockid = " & blockID & " and b.actiontaken = 'Send To Computer' "
    sql = sql + "and not exists(select 'x' from actions x "
    sql = sql + "where x.actiontaken = 'Gazetted' "
    sql = sql + "and b.blockid = x.blockid and b.parcelno = x.parcelno) order by a.blockid, a.parcelno"

    '********************* Load LandParcel Table **************************************************

    myDALand = New SqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlCon)
    myDSLand = New DataSet()
    myDALand.Fill(myDSLand, "Landparcles")

    '********************* End Load LandParcel Table ***********************************
    loadLPforGazette = myDSLand

End Function




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