
on login display a different page

right now when a user logs in, they see specific content on that same page:

<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView" runat="server">
    Please login <br />        
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" 
            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:qcvalues_testConnectionString %>" 
            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [batchinfo]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
    <asp:Login ID="LoginControl" runat="server" />

    <LoggedInTemplate>    you are logged in </LoggedInTemplate> ................

if i do Response.Redirect() to another page let's say default2.aspx - how do i ensure tha开发者_StackOverflowt the user does not have access to default2.aspx unless they are logged in?

however i would like the user to be directed to a different page when they are logged in.

LoggedIn event fired, when user is successfully logged in. e.g.

protected void Login1_LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)

Edit: Referring to your comment, if you add the below code under the <configuration> section of the web.config, it will make sure, that the unauthenticated user will not have access to your page.

<location path="FolderNameIfAny/Page.aspx">
            <deny users="?"/>               

If you want protect your folder from unauthenticated users, do so like..

 <location path="FolderName1">
            <deny users="?"/>
                  <allow roles="role1"/>            

 <location path="FolderName2">
            <deny users="?"/>
                  <allow roles="role2,role3IfAny"/>         

You can allow specific roles to access to specific folder.

ensure you have an authorisation section in your web.config with <deny users="?"/> That prevents unauthenticated users accessing your site.

Forms auth does have a way to redirect to a different page, but i'm not sure how you do it using the login control.





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