
How to make a window that's full screen but still shows the task bar

I'd like to make a captionless window that covers the entire desktop, but still shows the task bar. What is the best way to do this?

I can detect where the taskbar is and just resize my window to exclude it, but then I need to know when the user changes the size / position of the task bar.

Or, is there a combinatio开发者_开发问答n of window styles or something else that will make sure my window is always behind the task bar?

Set your window placement using the return value from SystemParametersInfo, passing SPI_GETWORKAREA as a parameter.

Retrieves the size of the work area on the primary display monitor. The work area is the portion of the screen not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars. The pvParam parameter must point to a RECT structure that receives the coordinates of the work area, expressed in virtual screen coordinates.

Maximise a window with no caption/border.





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