
How to match multiple occurrences of a substring

If I have an HTML string such as:

<div><p>£20<span class="abc" /><span class="def">56</span></p></div>

And I want the text:

20<span class="abc" /开发者_开发问答><span class="def">56

How do I define a regular expression to match the target sections multiple times. So far I have:


But this will only return the first number section 20<span class="abc" />

I need this to be flexible to match multiple tag / numeric sections while trimming anything leading or trailing the first / last digit in the string.

Adding /g isn't enough if you wish to match multiple occurrences of a substring. If that's the case, reluctant quantifiers may be used as described herein.

Given the string:

<div><p>£20<span class="abc" /><span class="def">56</span></p></div>

You will arrive at the text you wanted using:


But given the same string repeated two times:

<div><p>£20<span class="abc" /><span class="def">56</span></p></div><div><p>£20<span class="abc" /><span class="def">56</span></p></div>

You will not find the target selection multiple times. You'll only find it once due to the greedy nature of .*. To make .* non-greedy, or reluctant, simply add a ? after the * and you will arrive at:


Which will find both occurrences of the substring you asked for as shown here.

To match multiple times use to need use the global option


Just allow the group to be repeated: (?:...)+ means "Match ... 1 or more times:


As per Alan Moore's suggestion, I've also changed the \d* into \d+, making the numbers required instead of optional.





验证码 换一张
取 消

