
Changing some data inside the src parameter of the image and adding hyperlinks to the image PHP DOM

I have some text with images inside it. For example like this

texttext<img src="2011-08-15/4/img/123.JPG" alt="" width="528" height="394.3458646616541" >texttext

Now I need some code that searches for the image, finds it, checks if it has class. If no then I want to change it's soruce from this


to this


And then add hyperlink to image plus remove width and height params from img tag, so the final result must be like this

texttext<a href="2011-08-15/4/img/123.JPG" class="colorbox cboxElement" style="margin: 0 5px 5px 0"><img src="2011-08-15/4/mini/123.JPG" alt=""></a>texttext

Here is the code that searches and all I need is code that does all the manipulations.

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$imgs = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
foreach ($imgs as $img) {
        // ......Here must be some code that does all the work......
        $article_header = $doc->saveXml();

Is there a way to solve this problem ? If you can't write the whole code maybe you could help me with small examples ?

  1. How to change something inside src parameter and save .
  2. How to remove width and height 开发者_如何学Cparameters from img tag .
  3. How to add hyperlink tag to im tag.

I need this 3 techniques

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$imgs = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
foreach ($imgs as $img) {
        $src = $img->getAttribute('src');
        $newSRC = str_replace('/img/', '/mini/', $src);
        $img->setAttribute('src', $newSRC);

        $img->setAttribute('width', '500'); // set new attribute value
        $img->setAttribute('height', '500'); // set new attribute value

        $img->setAttribute('title', 'New title'); // set new attribute and value

        $img->removeAttribute('width'); // remove attribute
        $img->removeAttribute('height'); // remove attribute

        $href = $doc->createElement('a', '');
        $addhref = $img->parentNode->insertBefore($href, $img);
        $href->setAttribute('href', 'http://www.google.com');



echo $doc->saveXml();
  1. loop images
  2. get the ones without class
  3. change src, width, height whatever you want, remove attributes ...
  4. add a Element before img Element
  5. add href attribute and whatever you want
  6. remove img Element with no class
  7. append img to a Element




验证码 换一张
取 消

