What's the best way to do a "couple" system in rails?
I'm programming a RPG website with Rails 3.1 and I've got a User model (fields don't matter much).
What I need is to be able to marry two users but I don't know what's the best way for the associations.
I've thought of user1 and user2 as columns but I don't know how to say that both are the same when associating it to the User model in order to know whether a User is married or not. (that's to say that a user id can be on one开发者_运维百科 column or the other one...)
Thank you in advance !
If it's always one to one you could set it up like this:
class User
belongs_to :partner, :foreign_key => :partner_id, :class_name => 'User', :inverse_of => :partner
Which should handle the inverse relationship as well, e.g.
user_1.partner = user_2
user_2.partner # <user_1>
If you need Marriage
as a class, the marriage could just relate to users through has_many
and validate that the # of users is 2 (if it's a traditional marriage). E.g. if you went the STI route:
class Marriage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :marriage
class TraditionalMarriage < Marriage
validate do |record|
if record.users.length != 2
record.errors.add(:users, "Marriage is between 2 people!!")
class PartyTimeMarriage < Marriage
validate do |record|
if record.users.length < 3
record.errors.add(:users, "A good marriage requires at least three spouses!!")
Some form of
has_one :wife, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :husband, :class_name => "User"
should work in your User active record model. Maybe slap on some validation for genders.
Another solution would be to create a married table with 2 User references (has_one), to hold additional data like marriage date and stuff.
this is untested, but worth experimenting with
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :spouse, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => 'spouse_id'
def get_married_to(user)
self.spouse = user
user.spouse = self
u1 = User.new
u2 = User.new
also check out the rails guides: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html