Questions about code using Task queue for parallel web gets
So I've got this code to drill down into a heirarchy of XML documents from a REST api. I posted earlier to get advice on how to make it recursive, then I went ahead and made it parralel.
First, I was SHOCKED by how fast it ran - it pulled down 318 XML docs in just under 12 seconds, compared to well over 10 minutes single threaded - I really didn't expect to gain that much. Is there some catch to this, because it seems too good to be true?
Second, I suspect this code is implementing a common pattern but possibly in a non "idiomatic" way. I have kind of a "producer-consumer queue" happening, with two separate locking objects. Is there a more standard way I could have done this?
public class ResourceGetter
public ResourceGetter(ILogger logger, string url)
this.logger = logger;
this.rootURL = url;
public List<XDocument> GetResources()
while (NumTasks() > 0) RemoveTask().Wait();
return resources;
void GetResources(string url)
logger.Log("Getting resources at " + url);
AddTask(Task.Factory.StartNew(new Action(() =>
var doc = XDocument.Parse(GetXml(url));
if (deserializer.CanDeserialize(doc.CreateReader()))
var rl = (resourceList)deserializer.Deserialize(doc.CreateReader());
foreach (var item in rl.resourceURL)
GetResources(url + item.location);
logger.Log("Got resource for " + url);
object resourceLock = new object();
List<XDocument> resources = new List<XDocument>();
void AddResrouce(XDocument doc)
lock (resourceLock)
logger.Log("add resource");
object taskLock = new object();
Queue<Task> tasks = new Queue<开发者_开发百科;Task>();
void AddTask(Task task)
lock (taskLock)
Task RemoveTask()
lock (taskLock)
return tasks.Dequeue();
int NumTasks()
lock (taskLock)
logger.Log(tasks.Count + " tasks left");
return tasks.Count;
ILogger logger;
XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(resourceList));
readonly string rootURL;
Just offhand, I wouldn't bother with the code for managing the task list, all the locking, and the NumTasks() method. It would be simpler to just use a CountdownEvent, which is threadsafe to begin with. Just increment it when you create a new task, and decrement it when a task finishes, kind of like you are doing now but without the locking.