
Lightweight Java socket library [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

开发者_C百科 Improve this question

I've used Mina and Netty, but now I'm in the market for a lightweight library that may also be used in Android. I prefer Nio or AsyncIo over standard io implementations.

Update 1

The lack of responses really makes me think I should write my own library. Right now I'm using raw NIO and its not a lot of fun.

You might try using some pieces from Jetty as suggested in this email. I really like Jetty because it's small, self contained, and you can use some or all of it flexibly.

Since this seems to be dead on arrival, I'll answer it by saying my custom IO library will be the best.

To answer your question, there is no one size fits all async library. Netty and Mina might be the closest to such a thing, but most projects may still have to contain some pure NIO/ASYNCIO customized solutions.

I maintain you are on the right track. The more experience you have with low-level NIO/ASYNCIO the more you will appreciate and be able to get the most out of the somewhat-less-low-level Netty.





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