
WinForms DataGridView - databind object with List property (variable number of columns) AND that List property has List property too

My question starts with Marc Gravels's answer regarding WinForms DataGridView - databind object with List property (variable number of columns).

First, my structures are as such:

    public class BookTypeAndRating {
     public string BookType { get; set; }
     public List<int> Rating { get; set; }

    public class BookDetails {
     public string Title { get; set; }
     public List<BookTypeAndRating> BookTypeRating { get; set; } 

I'd like my outoput to look like this:

Title | BookType1 | BookType2 | BookType3 ... BookTypeN

And below is an example of my data table:

Title     | "Adventure" | "Sci-Fi"  | "Mystery" | "Tech"
"Title_1" |     1       |    4      |     8     |    4
"Title_2" |     2       |    4      |     1     |    2
"Title_3" |     3       |    4      |     2     |    1
"Title_4" |     5       |    4      |     2     |    5

I understand the basics of databinding and Marc's example. My problems are:

  1. How to databind the BookType property to each column?

  2. Users will be manipulating the data table - add/delete/update开发者_开发知识库. Any suggestions would help.

  3. Rating is a set of values (1 .. 50) and I want to have this in a comboBox within the columns - how do I add these items to a column and still databind to this object.





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