How to pass a hash to a sub?
In my perl "script" I'm collecting data and building a hashmap. The hashmap keys represent field names, and the values represent the value I want to insert into the corresponding field.
The hashmap is built, and then passed to the saveRecord() method which is supposed to build a SQL query and eventually it will execute it.
The idea here is to update the database once, rather than once per field (there are a lot of fields).
The problem: I'm having trouble passing the hashmap over to the sub and then pulling the fiel开发者_如何学JAVAds and values out of the hashmap. At this point my keys and values are blank. I suspect the data is getting lost during the passing to a sub.
The output of the script indicates no keys and no values.
Need help passing the data to the sub in a way that lets me pull it back apart as shown - with join()
Code snippet:
for my $key (keys %oids) {
$thisField = $key;
$thisOID = $oids{$thisField};
# print "loop: thisoid=$thisOID field=$thisField\n";
# perform the SNMP query.
$result = getOID ($thisOID);
# extract the information from the result.
$thisResult = $result->{$thisOID};
# remove quotation marks from the data value, replace them with question marks.
$thisResult =~ s/\"|\'|/\?/g;
# TODO: instead of printing this information, pass it to a subroutine which writes it to the database (use an update statement).
# printf "The $thisField for host '%s' is '%s'.\n", $session->hostname(), $result->{$thisOID};
# add this key/value pair to the mydata hashmap.
$mydata{$thisField} = $thisResult;
# print "$thisField=$thisResult\n";
# write one record update for hashmap %mydata.
saveRecord (%mydata);
# write all fields to database at once...
sub saveRecord ($) {
my $refToFields=shift;
my @fieldlist = keys %$refToFields;
my @valuelist = values %$refToFields;
my $sql = sprintf ("INSERT INTO mytable (%s) VALUES (%s)",join(",",@fieldlist), join(",",@valuelist) );
# Get ID of record with this MAC, if available, so we can perform SQL update
my $recid = getidbymac ($MAC);
print "sql=$sql\n";
# TODO: use an insert or an update based on whether recid was available...
# TODO: ID available, update the record
# TODO: ID not available, insert record let ID be auto assigned.
I cleaned up your code a little. Your main problem was not using a reference when calling your sub. Also note the commented regex which is cleaned up:
use strict;
use warnings;
# $thisResult =~ s/["']+/?/g;
my %mydata = ( 'field1' => 12, 'field2' => 34, );
saveRecord (\%mydata); # <-- Note the added backslash
sub saveRecord {
my $ref = shift;
my $sql = sprintf "INSERT INTO mytable (%s) VALUES (%s)",
join(',', keys %$ref),
join(',', values %$ref);
print "sql=$sql\n";
sql=INSERT INTO mytable (field1,field2) VALUES (12,34)