Android javadoc does does not display
I am having a problem with my android standard library javadoc, it does not show up when I hov开发者_运维技巧er over Objects in my code.
Note: This element has no attached source and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc.I have tried changing the Java Build Path to point to
C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk/docs/referenceHowever, I hit validate and then ok and the location changes back to :
file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk/docs/reference Before- Images shows me changing the pathI am trying to pick-up some android for a school project, and having that Javadoc would be awesome!
BTW: 1. i have tried following these steps:
2. I have the java doc installed in can open the file in my browser in the C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk/docs/reference locationThanks in advance to whoever solves this !
you must download the Documents
for the current Android API Version, you can download it from eclipse menu:
Window >> Android SDK and AVD Manager >> Available packages ! then select the API Version match your need.