
Publish Clickonce Project with v4.0 MSBuild fails on 64 bit machines

I have this business application, a winform client which communicates with WCF services. The client is targeted to .net 3.5 framework and the IDE is Visual Studio 2010. The project contains a reference to Microsoft Internet Controls and Interop.SHDocVw which is COM object开发者_运维技巧. Our projects target architecture is set to "AnyCPU"

We use a CC.net buildserver which deploys the application to our different environment, Test, QA and Production.

When building for the Production environment and installing the product on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine, it fails to load "SHDocVw" because of incorrect format. When installing on a 32 bit XP machine, it works like a charm.

I know I can try to set my whole solution to target "x86" and not "AnyCPU", but thing is, that when using the previous version of msbuild (v3.5) it works like a charm. Why? Is this a bug in the v4.0 version of msbuild.exe?

The task in CC.net looks like this

        <!-- Deploy of clickonce -->
            <logger>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MSBuild.dll</logger>

The PublishApplication.xml does a couple of things like creating folder and copying files, but the build itself is with this task

<Target Name="PublishApplication" DependsOnTargets="Clean">
    <Message Text="Publishing application"/>
    <MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectToPublish)" Targets="Publish"  />




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