
Problem with third party Antivirus , android code not running [closed]

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My Android code makes a web service call when I run the code on my local Android Emulator using the URL: .When I run the code in my emulator I get the desired output with the above URL but when I install app on my smartphone and tried using the same then there was an error saying connection refused. I have opened port 80 on my Windows 7 machine through the Firewall Settings.

Now I need to know how to unblock the firewall of my Mcafee AntiVirus such that the error of connection refusal is not present.

Can anyone please help ?

192.168.x.x network is a private network and cannot be accessed outside, i.e from actual android device in your case.

Android simulator works on your computer that is a part of the private network, so the server is accessible. But actual android device works outside of your private network.

Place your webservice on a server with a real ip-address, or setup a firewall on the server with real ip-address to implement a passthrough connection via this real ip-address and port to your internal private network resource.





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