
Cocoa app with ITK, VTK to read DICOM file

I have xcode 3.2.6 and Mac OS X 10.6.8, so I've downloaded ITK 3-2.20 and VTK, Cmake 2.8-5.

I have installed ITK and VTK using Cmake, then I created Xcode projects ITK and VTK also using Cmake. I set target "ALL_BUILD" and after this run target "install". So I can run some tests from VTK and they work!

But could anyone s开发者_如何学Pythonay what I should do to create Xcode project (Cocoa app) for reading and displaying DICOM files using ITK and VTK libraries???

I can't understand how to use for example DicomImageReadWrite.cxx for creating Cocoa aplication.

Does anybody have an example of similar Xcode projects? (I have osirix.xcodeproj but when I try to run it a lot of mistakes appear)

You may want to investigate Qt instead of Cocoa for visualization. The Slicer project has been moving to that platform, and it has been very successful in ITK/VTK/Qt graphical integration.


The Slicer (i.e. National Alliance of Medical Image Computing) is also a very receptive and open community to helping create great software.

The Qt platform also provides cross platform compatibility.





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