PostgreSQL query decomposition
I fail to decompose simple SQL queries. I use PostgreSQL but my question is als开发者_如何学Co related to other RDBMS.
Consider the following example. We have table orders and we want to find first order after which total amount exceeded some limit:
drop table if exists orders cascade;
Table with clients' orders
create table orders(
date timestamp,
amount integer
Other columns omitted
Populate with test data
insert into orders(date,amount)
Selects first order that caused exceeding of limit
create view first_limit_exceed
select min(date) from
from orders o1,
orders o2
group by
having sum(o2.amount) > 100
) limit_exceed;
returns "2011-01-03 00:00:00"
select * from first_limit_exceed;
Now let's make the problem a little harder. Consider we want to find total amount only for rows that satisfy some predicate. We have a lot of such predicates and creating separate version of view first_limit_exceed would be terrible code duplication. So we need some way to create parameterized view and pass either filtered set of rows or predicate itself to it. In Postgres we can use query language functions as parameterized views. But Postgres does not allow function to get as argument neither set of row nor another function. I still can use string interpolation on client's side or in plpgsql function, but it is error-prone and hard to test and debug. Any advice?
In PostgreSQL 8.4
and later:
SUM(amount) OVER (ORDER BY date) AS psum
FROM orders
) q
WHERE psum > 100
Add any predicates you want into the inner query:
SUM(amount) OVER (ORDER BY date) AS psum
FROM orders
WHERE date >= '2011-01-03'
) q
WHERE psum > 100
It sounds a bit like you're trying to put too much code into the database. If you are interested in the rows of a certain relation that satisfy a particular predicate, just execute a select
statement with an appropriate where
clause in the client code. Having views that take predicates as parameters is reinventing the wheel that sql already solves nicely.
On the other hand, I can see an argument for storing queries themselves in the database, so that they can be composed into larger reports. This two is still better handled by application code. I might approach a problem like that by using a library that's good at dynamic sql generatation, (for example sqlalchemy), and then storing the query representations (sqlalchemy expression objects are 'pickleable') as blobs in the database.
To put it another way, databases are representers of facts, You store knowledge in them. applications have the duty of acting on user requests, When you find yourself defining transformations on the data, that's really more a matter of anticipating and implementing the requests of actual users, rather than just faithfully preserving knowledge.
Views are best used when the schema inevitably changes, so you can leave older applications that don't need to know about the new schema in a working state.