GRAPH API retuning empty JSON for albums or photos query (with all needed permissions enabled)
I am trying to get user album by using GRAPH API with function
but in return i get only string with no albums :
"data": [
It only happens to certain users IDs. For example there is no problem in quering
It happens only for quering albums and their pictures. I have permissions: user_photos and friend_photos
is for getting user ID (it is not null for, I have checked it)
After doing some reasearch it is not a bug. Facebook has another privacy settings for third party applications and its own application, due to that i was missled to conclusion that action mention in question is possible.
You also need to give the permissions user_photo_video_tags
for your photos and for friends photos you need to also give the permission friends_photo_video_tags
Still if you have any problem then please check the access_token
whether its retrieved properly or not.