How to get sbteclipse working with Scala 2.9
I am playing with the spray template project and Scala
I want to work with Eclipse and so I've added the following lines to the build.sbt file of the spray template project.
resolvers += {
val typesafeRepoUrl = new"")
val pattern = Patterns(false, " [organisation]/[module]/[sbtversion]/[revision]/[type]s/[module](-[classifier])-[revision]. [ext]")
Resolver.url("Typesafe Repository", typesafeRepoUrl)(pattern)
libraryDependencies <<= (libraryDependencies, sbtVersion) { (deps, version) =>
deps :+ ("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" %% "sbteclipse" % "1.3-RC2" extra("sbtversion" -> version))
I always get this error:
com.typesafe.sbteclipse#sbteclipse_2.9.0-1;1.3-RC2: not found
Of course the directory at the typesafe server does not exist. There is only: but sbt is trying to get:
I figured out that 2.8.1 is the scala version sbt uses internaly. But my sbt version (0.10) uses the scala version set in the build.sbt (scalaVersion := "2.9.0-1") to build the url to download sbteclipse.
Does anyone know how to set this up correctly? How do I tell the build.sbt file that I want to use Scala 2.9 but to look for the sbteclipse plugin at the correct URL?
Are there any plans to i开发者_开发技巧nclude something like sbteclipse to the sbt standard distribution? That would be more than welcome and probably help a lot of beginners with Scala, sbt and Eclipse.
try some thing like "com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse_2.8.1" % "1.3-RC2....."
using "%%" will automicly add scala version to the library name. using "%" will not.
There is also a shorter way to get sbteclipse into use. Create a file ~/.sbt/plugins/plugins.sbt
with this content:
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.1.0")