
SQL Query theory question - single-statement vs multi-statement queries

When I write SQL queries, I find myself often thinking that "there's no way to do this with a single query". When that happens I often turn to stored procedures or multi-statement table-valued functions that use temp tables (of one sort or another) and end up simply combining the results and returning the result table.

I'm wondering if anyone knows, simply as a matter of theory, whether it should be possible to write ANY query that returns a single result set as a single query (not multiple statements). Obviously, I'm ignoring relevant points such as code readability and maintainability, maybe even query performance/efficiency. This is more about theory - can it be done... and don't worry, I certainly don't plan to start forcing myse开发者_Go百科lf to write a single-statement query when multi-statement will better suit my purpose in all cases, but it might make me think twice or a little bit longer on whether there is a viable way to get the result from a single query.

I guess a few parameters are in order - I'm thinking of a relational database (such as MS SQL) with tables that follow common best practices (such as all tables having a primary key and so forth).

Note: in order to win 'Accepted Answer' on this, you'll need to provide a definitive proof (reference to web material or something similar.)

I believe it is possible. I've worked with very difficult queries, very long queries, and often, it is possible to do it with a single query. But most of the time, it's harder to mantain, so if you do it with a single query, make sure you comment your query carefully.

I've never encountered something that could not be done in a single query.
But sometimes it's best to do it in more than one query.

At least with the a recent version of Oracle is absolutely possible. It has a 'model clause' which makes sql turing complete. ( http://blog.schauderhaft.de/2009/06/18/building-a-turing-engine-in-oracle-sql-using-the-model-clause/ ). Of course this is all with the usual limitation that we don't really have unlimited time and memory.

For a normal sql dialect without these abdominations I don't think it is possible.

A task that I can't see how to implement in 'normal sql' would be: Assume a table with a single column of type integer

For every row 'take the value at the current row and go that many rows back, fetch that value, go that many rows back, and continue until you fetch the same value twice consecutively and return that as the result.'

I can't prove it, but I believe the answer is a cautious yes - provided your database design is done properly. Usually being forced to write multiple statements to get a certain result is a sign that your schema may need some improvements.

I'd say "yes" but can't prove it. However, my main thought process:

  • Any select should be a set based operation

  • Your assumption is that you are dealing with mathematically correct sets (ie normalised correctly)

  • Set theory should guarantee it's possible

Other thoughts:

  • Multiple SELECT statement often load temp tables/table variables. These can be derived or separated in CTEs.

  • Any RBAR processing (for good or bad) now be dealt with CROSS/OUTER APPLY onto derived tables

  • UDFs would be classed as "cheating" in this context I feel, because it allows you to put a SELECT into another module rather than in your single one

  • No writes allowed in your "before" sequence of DML: this changes state from SELECT to SELECT

  • Have you seen some of the code in our shop?

Edit, glossary

  • RBAR = Row By Agonising Row
  • CTE = Common Table Expression
  • UDF = User Defined Function

Edit: APPLY: cheating?

    MyTable1 t1
        SELECT * FROM MyTable2 t2
        WHERE t1.something = t2.something
    ) t2

In theory yes, if you use functions or a torturous maze of OUTER APPLYs or sub-queries; however, for readability and performance, we have always ended up going with temp tables and multi-statement stored procedures.

As someone above commented, this is usually a sign that your data structure is starting to smell; not that it's bad, but that maybe it's time to denormalise for performance reasons (happens to the best of us), or maybe put a denormalised querying layer in front of your normalised "real" data.





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