
How to convince my boss to use symfony 2 instead of 1.4? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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For our next project we will be using symfony framework. I would like to use Symfony 2 because it's new, modern and future-looking. On the other hand my boss prefer开发者_如何学运维s the older version because of a big number of plugins (in Sf2 these are bundles and I guess are not yet very numerous). Nevertheless I would opt for sf2. Question is how to reason with my boss ;)

  1. This is not a programming problem, it's office politics, ask it at http://programmers.stackexchange.com.

  2. I agree with your boss, you should be using the stable, documented framework that hundreds or thousands of other developers have used and have written information about. You should not be using a week old framework with no community, half-written documentation and little real world testing at your business.

You can use Symfony 2 for your pet projects at home until it matures. "New, modern and future-looking" are negative qualifiers when choosing business solutions.

  • Symfony 2 is about 3 times faster than 1.4
  • It will have a longer support life
  • Ongoing, will likely be easier to get support for 2.0




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