
Mercurial and mysql

I'm using Mercurial for revision control of few projects. I have Mercurial installed both on my VPS and on my local machine. I push changes from my local machine to the remote server. Everything is okay.

However, I make sometimes changes to the database (mySql) and I need to update the database back and forth so that I keep the remote and local versions in sync (using开发者_如何学Python phpmyAdmin).

Isn't there a solution to push changes to mysql like push changes to my remote repository?

Database deployment is a pain. The usual solution is to use a tool to look at your source control descrption of the database (as a set of SQL scripts) and the target database and generate/apply a script to make the two match.

Some tools that do this are:

  • dbdeploy (free)
  • DB Ghost
  • Redgate SQL Compare
  • Redgate MySQL Compare (free for non-commercial)
  • Visual Studio Database Projects (SSDT)

I'm sure there are more.

Try Database Project (and Schema/Data Comparer) tools in dbForge Studio for MySQL.





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