
How to move files from a directory to another directory based on file size

I am currently working on an automation project at work. One of the steps to the program that I need to separate files that are greater than 6000KB from the other files in the folder. I am looking for a batch file that is able to move files that are greater than 6000KB from their current directory to another directory. I need this batch file to do handle a batch of files a开发者_StackOverflow中文版nd not just one. Any thoughts on how to do this in a batch file?

If you want to use VBScript, you can use this script as a basis:

' use a default source path or get one from the command line parameters
dim sourcepath: sourcepath = "some\default\path"
if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("source") then
    sourcepath = WScript.Arguments.Named("source")
end if

' use a default destination path or get one from the command line
dim destinationpath: destinationpath = "some\default\path"
if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("destination") then
    destinationpath = WScript.Arguments.Named("destination")
end if

' use a default file size limit or get one from the command line
' we accept in kbytes so we convert this to bytes
dim sizelimit: sizelimit = 6000 * 1024 ' default 6000 kbytes
if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("sizelimit") then
    sizelimit = WScript.Arguments.Named("sizelimit")
end if

' use a Scripting.FileSystemObject to get the file objects of each file
' in the source directory. The file object has a Size property, which
' has the file size in bytes
dim fso: set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim sourcefolder: set sourcefolder = fso.GetFolder(sourcepath)
if not fso.FolderExists(destinationpath) then
     ' we'll throw an error if the path is not found but you could instead
     ' create the directory automatically
     err.raise 1,,destinationpath & " not found"
end if

' loop through each file in the directory, compare size property against
' the limit and copy as appropriate
dim file, count: count = 0
for each file in sourcefolder.Files
    if file.size > sizelimit then
         file.Move destinationpath
         count = count + 1
    end if

WScript.Echo("complete: " & count & " file(s) moved")

You could run this (call it move-files.vbs) from a batch file thus:

cscript move-files.vbs /source:"C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop" /destination:"F:\backup" /sizelimit:1000

ROBOCOPY c:\From c:\To /E /MOVE /MIN:6144000  /MT:32

Replace "c:\From" and "c:\To" paths to your real paths to files

/MIN:n : MINimum file size - exclude files smaller than n bytes.

/MT[:n] : Multithreaded copying, n = no. of threads to use (1-128) ### default = 8 threads, not compatible with /IPG and /EFSRAW for Windows7

/E : Copy Subfolders, including Empty Subfolders.

/S : Copy Subfolders.

Robocopy is a Standard Windows7 command, to use it under Windowx XP download and install Microsoft Resource Kit

Details and other parameters for Robocopy are here

you can use vbs with file object: File object reference

or you can try to make a .bat file using this command to extract the filesize.

for %%R in ([filepath and name]) do if %%~zR GTR [file size]

from this page: Batch file to check filesize

I would recommend the VBS options for more security.

EDIT: this is a batch file for moving the files. Please change the <move file> to a more appropriate command.

@echo off
for /F "usebackq tokens=3,4" %%i IN (`dir /-C`) DO CALL :MOVE_FILES %%i %%j 
exit /b 0

if %1.==. exit /b 0
if %1 GEQ 6000000 <move file>




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