
PNG-24 Background Image Blurry In IE8

I have div and span elements with PNG-24 background images. The background image is pixel sharp, however, they appear blurry in IE8 despite the browser's zoom be开发者_运维技巧ing set at 100% and text at medium size.

Strangely, when I scroll down and back up, the background images appear sharp again.

This is how it appears:

PNG-24 Background Image Blurry In IE8

After scrolling down and back up, this is how it appears:

PNG-24 Background Image Blurry In IE8

Even in this case, its a bit blurry. This does not occur in IE6, IE7 or IE9.

I had the same problem - PNG-24 images look fine in Firefox but very blurry in IE8. The solution, in IE8 go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab. In the tree, under the Multimedia deselect Enable Automatic Image Resizing. This should fix the problem.

.classid img {
    background: transparent;
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#00FFFFFF,endColorstr=#00FFFFFF)"; /* IE8 */   
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#00FFFFFF,endColorstr=#00FFFFFF);   /* IE6 & 7 */      
    zoom: 1;




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