Where can I find Refrence manuals for SQL and PLSQL
Are there any Manuals available,which cater to the needs of SQL and PLSQL developers in the industry. I tried to search,but I found nothing like that of of equal to PHP's manual quality in .chm Format.
So, can anyo开发者_运维技巧ne give me or share their useful material direct links to PLSQL and SQL manuals in .chm format, for Quick development and learning along the way.
Is there a reason that you are restricting yourself to just CHM manuals? Oracle provides rather copious documentation in HTML and PDF format. For example
- The SQL Language Reference
- The SQL Language Quick Reference
- The PL/SQL Language Reference
- The PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
along with dozens and dozens of other manuals that deal with more specialized bits of functionality.
All the Oracle database documentation is online at http://tahiti.oracle.com. You can download PDF or HTML versions of the manuals for whatever version(s) of Oracle you happen to be working with there.
In terms of learning SQL from a beginners standpoint I cannot recommend "Learning SQL" by O'Reilly enough.
Another great learning tool / reference is W3 School's SQL tutorials found here:
And for PLSQL look no further then "Oracle PL/SQL Programming".