
Compiling OpenCV 2.3 with OpenNI and Qt

for a project that uses the Microsoft Kinect I currently would like to compile OpenCV with the OpenNI framework.

I already have OpenNI, NITE and the Kinect drivers installed but I am having problems compiling OpenCV so that I can develop using OpenNI.

For this I started cmake, took the OpenCV (2.3 release) sources, selected Visual Studio 2008 makefiles, linked all necessary paths, checked "WITH_QT" and "WITH_OPENNI", set the paths to Qt files and the OpenNI include and lib folde开发者_运维知识库rs as well as the PrimeSense folders and generated MakeFiles, which worked without errors.

I then started the OpenCV.sln solution that had been created by CMake, set it to Release and tried to build the whole package. Unfortunately it gives me an error:


I pasted it there since it's quite long. You can see the errors at about line 420.

Does anybody have an idea what is going wrong there and how I can fix it? Would be great if anybody could have a look at it.

Thank you!

Try this:

#pragma comment(linker, "/NODEFAULTLIB:atlthunk.lib")




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