Autotest responds slowly with Spork and Rspec under Rails 3.0.9
It's all working, but slowly.
I know that Spork is working, because rspec spec/
produces a response in under two seconds, and I know Autotest is working, since it eventually produces an appropriate Growl notification when I make a change to the controller code. The problem is that Autotest
is taking too long to respond: about 16 seconds. Please help me figure out what's going wrong.
I'm new to Rails, and following Michael Hartl's Rails 3 Tutorial.
Platform: Mac OS X 10.5.8
Xcode 3.1.4
Ruby: v. 1.9.2 p180 (with RVM)
Rails: v. 3.0.9
For what it's worth, I installed Autotest and Spork using Bundler, and call them (each under its own terminal window tab) using bundle exec spork
and bundle exec autotest
. spork
(without the "bundle exec") also runs fine, but autotest
(without the "bundle exec") produces a "command not found开发者_开发技巧" error message.
My project's Gemfile (drawn from Hartl's tutorial book and video):
source ''
gem 'rails', '3.0.9'
gem 'sqlite3-ruby', '1.2.5', :require => 'sqlite3'
gem 'gravatar_image_tag', '1.0.0.pre2'
gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.pre2'
group :development do
gem 'rspec-rails', '2.6.1'
gem 'annotate', '2.4.0'
gem 'faker', '0.3.1'
group :test do
gem 'rspec-rails', '2.6.1'
gem 'webrat', '0.7.1'
gem 'spork', '0.9.0.rc8'
gem 'autotest', '4.4.6'
gem 'autotest-rails-pure', '4.1.2'
gem 'autotest-fsevent', '0.2.4'
gem 'autotest-growl', '0.2.9'
gem 'factory_girl_rails', '1.0'
My project's .autotest file (also drawn from Hartl):
require 'autotest/growl'
require 'autotest/fsevent'
Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |autotest|
autotest.add_mapping(/^spec\/requests\/.*_spec\.rb$/) do
What happens:
When I save a change to one of my controller.rb files (or controller_spec.rb files), about 8 seconds elapse before there is any activity on the autotest terminal tab - which, at this point, is simply a row of hyphens preceded and followed by some empty lines. About 7 seconds later, the autotest tab displays the following message:
/Users/jlee/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby -rrubygems -S /Users/jlee/rails_projects/sample_app_jbl/autotest/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rspec-core-2.6.4/bin/rspec --tty '/Users/jlee/rails_projects/sample_app_jbl/spec/controllers/pages_controller_spec.rb'
Which is followed almost immediately by activity on spork's terminal tab, and the expected results of the test in all terminal windows and in a growl notification. So it's all working, just S-L-O-W-L-Y! I'm eager for suggestions about how to cut the first fifteen seconds out of autotest's response.
Try adding --drb to the .rspec file at the root of your project: