Make a link for files from SQL Server'08 with Filestream
I use Filestream for storing audio files(mp3) in MS SQL Server'08.
I need to play these files on client(html+javascript), so how to get an url to real file?
I have a WCF开发者_运维知识库 Service, I tried to send a byte array to client, but I don't know how to turn it to audio using javascript.
Therefore I ask about another method to play audio files, maybe it's possible to turn BLOB from database back to mp3 and give client a link?
I didn't understand your question well, But I think that may help
To Store and read audio file from SQL server using .Net, You may follow this link (creates a temp file for that)
So using your WCF service, you may read the byte array, and at your client, read this byte array , create temp .wma file and run it.