
Error when building iPhone project with blowfish C library imported for password encryption

I downloaded blowfish reference source code here then when I try to use it, I well imported "blowfish.h" and setup target references for "blowfish.lib".

When I declare my key like :

BF_KEY *key;

it works well but as soon I call a method defind in "blowfish.h" like :

const char *keyStr = [HP_APP_KEY UTF8String];

BF_set_key(key, strlen(keyStr),(unsigned char*)key开发者_如何转开发Str);

I got this error when trying to build project:

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_BF_set_key", referenced from: -[HPNetworkController authenticateUser:withPassword:] in HPNetworkController.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

any help is welcoming, thanks guys ;)

As far as I understand, the "Reference Source Code" does not contain a library for iOS. .lib is an extension commonly used for win32 libraries. Indeed, if you try:

 lipo -info blowfish.lib

you will get an error message.

So, I think you should compile blowfish yourself for iOS and link it to your project.





验证码 换一张
取 消

