
How to check for contents of a loaded div tag using jquery load?

I'm working with jqueries address change event and am hitting a roadblock when a user copies and pastes a URL in the browser. I need to fist load a portion of the page that contains a form. I could do this after every pagination call but it seems really ineffecient.

Here is my current code block:

$.address.change(function(e) {

    var urlAux = e.value.split('=');
    var page   = urlAux[0];
    var start  = urlAux[1];

    if (page == "/visits") {

        $.address.title("Profile Views");

        if (start) {


            // ***** If a user has copied and pasted this URL with a start value then I first need to load visits.php in the main div tag.  Is it possible to see if this is loaded or not?

            $.post("visits_results.php", $("#profile_form_id").serialize(),
                function(data) {
                    location.href = "#visits=" + start; 

        else {
            var args = localStorage.getItem("visits");

            $('#main').load("visits.php?" + args, function () { }); 

My attempted work around was this:

var args = localStorage.getItem("visits");

$('#main').load("visits.php?" + args, functio开发者_如何转开发n () { 


    $.post("visits_results.php", $("#profile_form_id").serialize(),
        function(data) {
            location.href = "#visits=" + start; 

There must be a better way...this is realoading the same portion of the page (visits.php) with every pagination event. Is there a better way to load URLs and not have them trigger an address change?

Using paul's work around from his comments, but instead of Regex'ing html content in the visits.php form this solution will look for data() attached to #mainID.

Paul's work around notes:

After a bit more hacking I came up with this solution that seems to do the trick. I'm not sure how good it is but it seems to do the trick. I now get the main div id and do a regex match on a unique string in the form. If I don't see it I load the form and then load the results. Not sure if this is good practice or not but it seems to solve my issue.

Methodology to use .data() instead of a regex search of visits.php's html:

    /*check if we're missing visits.php by looking for data() flag*/
             if( !($("#main").data()["hasVisitsPhp"]) ){
              var args = localStorage.getItem("visits");
              $('#main').load("visits.php?" + args, function () { 
                $.post("visits_results.php", $("#profile_form_id").serialize(),
                    function(data) {
/* we've loaded visits.php, set the data flag on #main*/
                        location.href = "#visits=" + start; 

try window.location.hash instead. Changing the whole href can/will trigger a whole-page reload, while changing just the hash by itself should at most cause the page to scroll.





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