appWidget Orientation Code
I have code in an appwidget that I want to run when the phone's orientation chang开发者_JAVA技巧es on the home screen, ie like when the keyboard flips out. I have an image that I want to change in an imageview in my appwidget. I can't use different layouts linked to the orientation (ie "layout" and "layout-land") because I don't know the name of the image file until runtime, it is created at runtime. Is there anyway to trigger code to run only if the home screen is shown, my appwidget is active and the orientation just changed?
I could listen for a configuration_change broadcast but that will run everytime the phone switches to landscape or portrait and I only want it to happen when the homescreen is shown. I cannot think of any good way in android to do this. Thanks
There isn't a good way of doing this for images generated at runtime.
One approach would be to build both versions of the image and have two ImageViews that are visible depending on the layout/layout-land being used. (So the RemoteViews would update both ImageViews, but only the correct one would be visible.)
Jeff, what is the reason for this limitation ? I would love to be able to use images generated at runtime, or construct the RemoteView on the runtime as well, rather than use the precompiled XML - this is so inflexible.
There is more info at
Basically update the widget from onConfigurationChanged() in an Activity and add android:configChanges="orientation" for that Activity in your manifest. Bad thing is, this doesn't cover all use cases.