why is this javascript not working in Chrome and Safari?
Can anybody tell me why the javascript for the gallery on the page below is fine in Firefox, but isn't working properly in Chrome and Safari?
In Chrome, the big image doesn't show up but the thumbnails do, and in Safari nothing shows up.
'Don't think it could have anything to do with the css..开发者_JAVA技巧. could it?
any help is appreciated... I'll post the answer if I find it. arg!
The line:
document.images.src = img[imgNumber];
isn't working. It should be
document.getElementById('images').src = img[imgNumber];
Same with the line
document.images.src = img[this.id];
It should be:
document.getElementById('images').src = img[this.id];
Once those were fixed, the slideshow worked for me in a local copy.
I am getting <img src="" id="images">
with no source.
Try to alert alert(document.images.src);
== undefined.
Try document.getElementById("images").src
var NumberOfImages = 9
var img = new Array(NumberOfImages)
img[0] = "Susielookbook-561.jpg"
img[1] = "Luxe Deluxe W11 (9).jpg"
img[2] = "Luxe Deluxe W11 (10).jpg"
img[3] = "Luxe Deluxe W11 (13).jpg"
img[4] = "Luxe Deluxe W11 (19).jpg"
img[5] = "Susielookbook-259.jpg"
img[6] = "Susielookbook-293.jpg"
img[7] = "Susielookbook-431.jpg"
img[8] = "Susielookbook-613.jpg"
var imgNumber = 0;
function setupImages(){
document.images.src = img[imgNumber];
for(var x=0; x < img.length; x++){
var thumb = document.createElement('img');
thumb.setAttribute('src', 't_'+img[x]);
thumb.id = x;
thumb.onclick = function(){
document.images.src = img[this.id];
imgNumber = this.id;
alert(document.images.src); // <-- here
function NextImage() {
if (imgNumber == NumberOfImages){
imgNumber = 0;
document.images.src = img[imgNumber];
function PreviousImage() {
if (imgNumber < 0){
imgNumber = NumberOfImages - 1;
document.images.src = img[imgNumber];