Column is truncated in PowerBuilder given certain fonts
I have a column varchar(5000)
. In the PowerBuilder data window. the display of this column is truncated when the length of the string is above 4600
when the font size is 12.
But when the font is size 8, it displays all the value/content of that column.
开发者_运维技巧I would like to confim my idea of that is PB limitation.
You could check if the string that is not displayed correctly has a display size over a remarkable value. I suspect that if the string exceeds 32768/65536 units width it may be truncated when PB "paints" the column value...
Here is some code to test in pixels and units, call it with the same fontname and size that the one in the DW :
public function long of_getstringwidth (window aw_parent, string as_text, string as_fontname, integer ai_size, boolean ab_bold, boolean ab_italic);// computes the width in pixels of a string as drawn in the specified font
ulong ll_handle, ll_hdc, ll_hdcbis
ulong ll_hfont
ulong weight
long height
long width = -1
st_size size
ll_handle = handle(aw_parent)
ll_hdc = GetDC(ll_handle)
// create the specified font
if ab_bold then weight = FW_BOLD else weight = FW_NORMAL
// compute the height using the display device physical properties
height = -MulDiv(ai_size, GetDeviceCaps(ll_hdc, LOGPIXELSX), 72)
ll_hfont = CreateFont( height, 0, 0, 0, weight, ab_italic, false, false, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, 0, 0, 0, as_fontname)
// use that font for the device context
SelectObject(ll_hdc, ll_hfont)
if GetTextExtentPoint32(ll_hdc, as_text, len(as_text), size) then
width = + 1 //add 1 is better, look trhough MSDN for clues ;o)
end if
ReleaseDC(ll_handle, ll_hdc)
return width
end function
public function long of_getstringwidthunits (window aw_parent, string as_text, string as_fontname, integer ai_size, boolean ab_bold, boolean ab_italic);// computes the size in pixels of a string as drawn in the specified font
// returns a result in PB units
long width = -1
width = of_getstringwidth(aw_parent, as_text, as_fontname, ai_size, ab_bold, ab_italic)
width = PixelsToUnits(width, XPixelsToUnits!)
return width
end function
And here are the needed external funcs and declares (I hope that I did not missed one, but the values can be retrieved in platform SDK/MSDN) :
Function ULong GetDC(ULong hWnd) Library "User32.DLL"
Function ULong ReleaseDC(ULong hWnd, ULong hDC) Library "User32.DLL"
function long MulDiv(long nNumber, long nNumerator, int nDenominator) library "kernel32.dll"
Function ulong CreateFont(long nHeight,ulong nWidth,ulong nEscapement,ulong nOrientation,ulong fnWeight,boolean fdwItalic,boolean fdwUnderline,boolean fdwStrikeOut,ulong fdwCharSet,ulong fdwOutputPrecision,ulong fdwClipPrecision,ulong fdwQuality,ulong dwPitchAndFamily,ref string lpszFace) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll" ALIAS FOR "CreateFontW"
Function Ulong SelectObject (Ulong hDC, Ulong hObject) Library "gdi32.dll"
Function Boolean GetTextExtentpoint32(ULong hdc, string lpString, int cbString, ref ST_SIZE lpSize) library "gdi32.dll" alias for "GetTextExtentPoint32W"
Function ulong GetDeviceCaps(ulong hdc,ulong nIndex) library "gdi32.dll"
constant integer FW_NORMAL = 400
constant integer FW_BOLD = 700
constant ulong LOGPIXELSX = 88 //Number of pixels per logical inch along the screen width.
constant ulong DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 //(x01)
That code is part of a userobject where I put many GDI funcs. I may share it's code if someone is interested.