Example of a regular expression for phone numbers
I'm very new to javascript, I just want a reqular expression for validating phone numbers for one of my text field.
I can accept -+ () 0-9
from users, do you have regex for this one or a regex for phone numbers better the开发者_开发百科n the one i need?
Thanks in advance.
Use this rexeg
/\(?([0-9]{3})\)?([ .-]?)([0-9]{3})\2([0-9]{4})/
- (123) 456 7899
- (123).456.7899
- (123)-456-7899
- 123-456-7899
- 123 456 7899
- 1234567899
Try this
function validatePhone(phoneNumber){
var phoneNumberPattern = /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[- ]?(\d{3})[- ]?(\d{4})$/;
return phoneNumberPattern.test(phoneNumber);
For Italian Phone number:
/^([+]39)?((3[\d]{2})([ ,\-,\/]){0,1}([\d, ]{6,9}))|(((0[\d]{1,4}))([ ,\-,\/]){0,1}([\d, ]{5,10}))$/
- +39 347 12 34 567
- 347-1234567
- 347/1234567
- 347 123456
- 3471234567
- 02/1234567
- 051 12 34 567
For global users have a look into this library libphonenumber-js.
this will let you validate global mobile numbers.
For U.S. phone numbers:
/(((\(\d{3}\) ?)|(\d{3}-)|(\d{3}\.))?\d{3}(-|\.)\d{4})/g;
For U.S. hrefs with phone numbers:
/((\"tel:((\d{11})|(\d{10})|(((\(\d{3}\) ?)|(\d{3}-)|(\d{3}\.))?\d{3}(-|\.)\d{4}))\"))/g;
I know these are a bit clunky but they will catch most of the improperly formatted phone numbers you see around the internet.
Wanna see how it works in jquery? Check out: https://jsfiddle.net/uohx1fo3/15/
This regex works pretty widely for phone numbers:
^(\+)?(\d{1,2})?[( .-]*(\d{3})[) .-]*(\d{3,4})[ .-]?(\d{4})$