
datetime field in solr schema

I am using Solr to make search on my database, and i need to get a field with (datetime) data type from mysql 开发者_开发技巧database, so i set the select query to get this field in dataconfig.xml, and i added field name for this field in schema.xml as follow:

<field name="parsed_at" type="datetime" indexed="true" stored="true" />

but solr didn't do any indexing after these modifications. i have tried to

select date(parsed_at) as parsed_at ...

and to specify type as date in schema.xml, but this didn't work for unknown reason

does solr support any data type compatible with datatime or timestamp in mysql??

Solr is compatible with typical MySql date formats in an MySQL table, like Y-m-d (and so on) If parsed_at column in MySQL is from type datetime, so you don't need any modifications on select time, as long your field name(solr)=cloumn name(MySQL).

So try select parsed_at from .... Solr will process the date

<field name="parsed_at" type="datetime" indexed="true" stored="true" />

Be sure, that an fieldType (type=)datetime in Solr's schema.xml exits. If it is so, please post the configuration here. If not, check if, the following line exits in schema.xml, which is default:

<fieldType name="tdate" class="solr.TrieDateField" omitNorms="true" precisionStep="6" positionIncrementGap="0"/>

Field type tdate can handle date-formats. If you have this field definition in your schema.xml, your parsed_at field could use that type:

<field name="parsed_at" type="tdate" indexed="true" stored="true" />

Are you using the DataImportHandler? In that case you will need to tell SOLR how the date is stored. You do this using the DateFormatTransformertransformer:

    <document name='objects'>
        <entity name='object' pk='id' transformer='DateFormatTransformer' query='BLA' >
    <field column='id' />
            <field column='created' dateTimeFormat='yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' />

Note that I stuck ?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNullbehind the url. This prevents errors with empty dates.





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