
Castle Windsor: How to pass commandline args to multiple services?

I want to pass command line args (ie. string[]args) to two different services. I tried a lot of things, closest is the code below.

namespace CastleTest
  static class Program
    static void Main(string [] args)
      IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
      IService srv = container.Resolve<IService>(new Hashtable {{"args", args}});

  public class Installer : IWindsorInstaller
    public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

  public interface IRole
    string Role { get; }

  public class RoleService : IRole
    private string[] args;

    public RoleService(string[] args)
      this.args = args;

    public string Role { get { return args[1]; } }

  public interface IService
    void Do();

  public class Service : IService
    private readonly string[] args;
    private readonly IRole service;

    public Service(string[] args, IRole service)
        this.args = args;
        this.service = service;

    public void Do()
  开发者_运维问答  {
        Console.WriteLine(args[0] + ": " + service.Role);

Executing this gives:

Can't create component 'CastleTest.RoleService' as it has dependencies to be satisfied. CastleTest.RoleService is waiting for the following dependencies: Keys (components with specific keys) - args which was not registered.

Why is this? Why is the dependancy "args" from RoleService not satisfied? And more important? How can i do it?

PS. I want to use FromAssembly to call my Installers, so passing constructor params to it is no option (afaik).

The error is throwing because you have two constructor parameter in Service, a string array and IRole. But while creating the instance of service you are passing only one argument. You should call as shown below.

IRole roleService=container.Resolve<IRole>(new HashTable {{"args", args}}); IService srv = container.Resolve<IService>(new Hashtable {{"args", args}, {"service", roleService}});





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