
Jquery / Ajax used on PHP page in a for loop

I recently learned that when using onclick, for a button, the field name and button id have to each be unique. While thats not a problem, depending on how many rows my script outputs, this could be a lot of waste.

For example, i have a while loop, it does this for each person on my server (minecraft), so it could be 10, it could be 50.

this is the code to create the js objects

  $kickbtn .= "    $('#kick_btn$k').click(function(event) { 
    var player_name$k = jQuery('input[name=\"player$k\"]').val()
    jQuery.get('testing.php?action=kick', { player_input: player_name$k} );
    alert('Successfully kicked');

this is the form data

    <form name=\"$pdata[name]\" action=\"\">
      <开发者_Python百科input type=\"hidden\" name=\"player$k\" value=\"$pdata[name]\">
      <input type=\"submit\" id=\"kick_btn$k\" value=\"Kick Player\">

Is there an easier way to accomplish this without creating all this excess code?

The output is nice in the html, and it does work, just hoping theres something a little more dynamic i can do, and not so messy in the code. Below is from the parsed code and works and looks good.

$('#kick_btn14').click(function(event) { 

    var player_name14 = jQuery('input[name="player14"]').val()

    jQuery.get('testing.php?action=kick', { player_input: player_name14} );

    alert('Successfully kicked');


Only one delegated event handler is needed, which means attaching it to a parent/container element, unless you want 50+ click handlers in your document which will unnecessarily slow things down:

// bind to all elements starting with 'kick_btn' within #container
// (could even be 'body')
$("#container").delegate('[id^="kick_btn"]', "click", function(event) {

    // get the current player number from the id of the clicked button
    var num = this.id.replace("kick_btn", "");
    var player_name = jQuery('input[name="player' + num + '"]').val();
    jQuery.get('testing.php?action=kick', {
        player_input: player_name + num
    alert('Successfully kicked');


  • http://api.jquery.com/attribute-starts-with-selector/
  • http://api.jquery.com/delegate/




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