How to use UIPinchGestureRecognizer
I have made a simple web browser for the iPhone but I would really like to be able to pinch to zoom in and out with the UIPinchGestureRecognizer, but I don't know how to use it. Could someone explain to me how to implement it in my code? If you have a link开发者_如何学JAVA to a good explanation of this that would be very much appreciated as well.
Why do you need to implement it at all? UIWebView
already supports pinch-zooming natively.
For all the stuff you need for gesture recognizer's, look here. Basically, you set up a gesture for your view, and add a selector method that would get called if the view recognizes that gesture. In this case, when it detects a pinch, you would tell the view to change size to your liking.
This, however, is the hard way of doing it though, as the pinch gesture is already associated with a UIWebView (not to mention, the MKMapView as well). You should probably look at this other post to see what you need to do. Any search on google will also point you in the right direction. Hope that helps!