How to disable/enable the allowinsert in telerik radscheduler
I have develop a Telerik Radscheduler in that i have write the code like below in that i want disable/Enable the perticuler time-slot for an event,in this disable is working fine but enable not working i can't understand why it is not enable to allow-insert.please help me where i need to change to resolve this problem...
protected void RadScheduler1_TimeSlotCreated1(object sender, TimeSlotCreatedEventArgs e)
//Getting Business hour time
mybusinessca开发者_开发技巧lendarEntities objEntity = new mybusinesscalendarEntities();
var Result = from bhours in objEntity.businesshours where bhours.BusinessId == businessid select bhours;
if (Result.Count() > 0)
var Hours = (from bhours in objEntity.businesshours where bhours.BusinessId == businessid select bhours).First();
//Get particular day businee hour timings and disable the time slot
string Day = System.DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString();
if (Day == "Monday")
string WorkDay = Hours.MondayFromTime.Value.ToShortTimeString();
string WorkDayStart = WorkDay.Remove(WorkDay.Length - 2, 2);
string WorkDayEnd = Hours.MondayToTime.Value.ToShortTimeString();
string WorkDayEndTime = WorkDayEnd.Remove(WorkDayEnd.Length - 2, 2);
if ((e.TimeSlot.Start.TimeOfDay < TimeSpan.Parse(WorkDayStart.Trim())) || (e.TimeSlot.Start.TimeOfDay > TimeSpan.Parse(WorkDayEndTime.Trim())))
e.TimeSlot.CssClass = "Disabled";
RadScheduler1.ReadOnly = true;
RadScheduler1.ReadOnly = false;
RadScheduler1.AllowInsert = true;
RadScheduler1.AllowEdit = true;
RadScheduler1.AllowDelete = true;
If when your last timeslot is created (last time event is fired) this part evaluates to true.
if ((e.TimeSlot.Start.TimeOfDay < TimeSpan.Parse(WorkDayStart.Trim())) || (e.TimeSlot.Start.TimeOfDay > TimeSpan.Parse(WorkDayEndTime.Trim())))
e.TimeSlot.CssClass = "Disabled";
RadScheduler1.ReadOnly = true;
Then your entire scheduler will be in read only mode. This means no editing inserting deleting moving etc.
Your intention seems to be to disabled specific timeslots. I dont think you intend to set these properties in this particular event.
RadScheduler1.ReadOnly = false;
RadScheduler1.AllowInsert = true;
RadScheduler1.AllowEdit = true;
RadScheduler1.AllowDelete = true;
Test by commenting out the lines that set the readonly, allowinster, allowedit, allowdelete properties since they are not per timeslot, rather for the entire scheduler