
Windows Phone 7 : Parsing website XML into XDocument

I seem to be having an issue on WP7 trying to Parse XML from a website. For some reason it never populates call. No errors, the xml looks good, I am specifying the NS, but still nothing.

Am I missing something really simple here? 4 hours in and I am banging my head on the desk.

My C# skills are 2 months old, so it could be me (probably will be).

Th开发者_运维百科is is my code that I am using to Parse the received XML from a website...

    public void ParseCallSignData(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Error == null)
            string s = e.Result;

            XDocument doc;

            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(s), settings))
                doc = XDocument.Load(reader);

            XNamespace ns = @"http://www.qrz.com";

            var calldata = from query in doc.Descendants(ns + "Callsign")
                           select new callsign
                               call = (string)query.Element(ns +"call")

And this is the XML I am trying to parse.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
- <QRZDatabase version="1.18" xmlns="http://www.qrz.com">
  - <Callsign>
    <country>United States</country>
    <moddate>2010-07-05 19:32:12</moddate>
  - <Session>
    <SubExp>Mon Sep 19 07:00:00 2011</SubExp>
    <GMTime>Wed Aug 3 21:06:58 2011</GMTime>
    <Remark>cpu: 0.073s</Remark>

Those '-' characters look suspect. They shouldn't be there. (...although this might be an artefact of cut'n'paste from the browser)

3 months later, but for the ones who want to know. I used something simpler in my applications :

string s = e.Result;
// Load the document
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

// Get the datas you want using doc.Element("...").Element("...")...
// to go down your XML doc
var calldata = from query in doc.Element("Callsign")
               select new callsign
                   call = query.Element("call").Value

Hope it will help somebody.





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