
Java: Hibernate Filter & FilterDefs Annotation

I would like to clarify few finding.

  1. It's true when define Filter, it's required to define FilterDefs? There's scenario that i does't required any parameter, because the filter it's self is sufficient. eg: filterName="filter1" condition="ID in (select id from 开发者_如何学运维table1"), filterName="filter2" condition="ID in (select id from table2)"

  2. It's true when define a Filter, filter name should not contain dot "." character? When I define a class name as filterName, hibernate can't find FilterDefs eg: filterName="org.my.company.Class1" condition="ID in (select id from table1")

  3. Is the following condition is correct: filterName="filter3" condition="ID in (select id from table1 where column1 like '%:param1%')"

question: What I'm tries to do?

Answer: I'm using Spring ACL and I want to query all granted entity for given sid. I had create Spring ACL entity object. My domain and sid is my ACL session query parameter. Then I'm using my domain name as a filter name so that a would easily enable the required filter eg: session.enableFilter(myclass.getCanonicalName()); session.createQuery("select count(distinct aoi.id) from AclObjectIdentity aoi join aoi.entries e where ......"






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