CSS for beginner to expert level [closed]
I am not good enough in CSS
coding though good hands on Web application development. I just wanted to understand the basic coding standard of CSS
and went through some tutorials & did self practice but i feel something missing and don't feel much confidence when i see other coding standard.
Pls suggest me some good tutorials/ share your experience to enhance my skill. I am fade up of reading online tutorials.
My best advice would be to start coding yourself. Just start building web applications and learn as you go; you can get stuck looking for the best tutorials.
With that said, if you haven't stumbled on this yet, http://htmldog.com/guides/cssbeginner/ is the best tutorial in my opinion.
A List Apart is great... read the css articles form the bottom up: http://www.alistapart.com/topics/code/css/
Also i know some people cant grok it and its horribly technical and you have to kind of learn the language but i cant stress enough how much better off youll be if you actually take the time to read and understand the technical definition of CSS an how it works. A lot of things happen form misunderstanding box model and how things lay out, and then how it differences in standards complaint browsers and non-compliant browsers.
- CSS 2.1: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/
- CSS 3: http://www.w3.org/TR/css-2010/
I've recently watched the PluralSight movies and it was amazing if you looking for a movie tutorial. I know you have to pay to watch it, but first day that it released it was free to watch! http://www.pluralsight-training.net/microsoft/courses/tableofcontents?courseName=css-intro