
How to keep css class for a selected asp button with jquery?

I have some buttons on a page, around 10 asp buttons. I'm using a CSS class for effects on button mouse hover and mouse leave. The problem I'm facing is that when I click a button, I want to apply a CSS class to the clicked button and want to keep it, but when I hover on that button the class is re开发者_如何转开发moved. Actually, I want to kind of disable the change of class for selected (clicked) button. So, if I have 5 buttons btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5 and my selected button is btn3, if I hover on btn3 and leave this btn3 , it should not loose its css class.

This is my code for applying CSS classes:

 <script src="jquery-1.6.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        $(document).ready(function () {

            // mouse hover
            // mouse leave


        function mouseleavefunction() {


        function mouseenterfunction() {



and the code I'm using when a button is clicked:

     private void SetSelectedButtonStyle()
                Button selectedButton = FindButtonWithText(_currentPageIndex.ToString());
                if (selectedButton != null)
                    selectedButton.CssClass = "pagerbtnMouseEnter";

 private void ResetCss()

            for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_PAGE_SIZE; i++)
                Button btn = (Button)FindControl(string.Format("btn{0}", i));
                btn.CssClass = "buttonclass";

I have to prevent the selected button from changing the CSS class when I do a mouse hover or mouse leave.

You button has 3 different states : - Normal - Hovering - Selected

Why do you only have 2 classes? If you wanna do that way you should have another css class for the pressed state, and then on your hovering functions you'll check if your button has the selected class , and if it has then do nothing.

But don't you know that the hovering state is possible by css only?

  background-color : blue;

  background-color : red;

This will change the background color of a myclass element whenever your hover it.

So what you can do is delete all your jquery code for the mouseenter / mouseleave

Create a new class for the clicked state.

   // Your button style
   // Your mousein button style 
   // Your selected/clicked button style

And on your asp.net page juste replace the .button class of the clicked button with the buttonClicked class :)

Well you could save the id of the Button that is clicked in an object:

var clickedButtons = {};

    clickedButtons[this.id] = true;

Then modify mouseleave to check if the button has been clicked and remove the class only if it hasn't been clicked:

    function mouseleavefunction() {
         if (clickedButtons[this.id] !== true){


Would something like this work for you?

    $("[id^='MangoPager_btn']").live(function() {
       click: function() {
       mouseover: function() {
       mouseout: function() {




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